• Seasonal Affective Disorder
    Christmas is right around the corner, which means winter is here! Although Christmas, for many, can be an exciting time with presents, love and holiday cheer, for others, this isn’t quite the same. With winter comes shorter, darker days, cold weather and holiday stress. It is very important, during this time, that we take proper care of ourselves and our mental health. During the winter, many people can experience SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder. SAD is a type of depression that can occur at the same time every year, mainly in places where there is less sunlight during that specific time of year. Usually these feelings will persist for about 4 months out of the year and start in fall, continuing through the winter. Read more
  • Signs and Symptoms of ADHD
    ADHD is a chronic condition that usually begins in childhood but can often continue into adulthood. Furthermore, it requires a medical diagnosis and affects everyday lives of those who have ADHD. ADHD can ultimately cause low self-esteem, relationship troubles, and difficulty at school and/or work. Oftentimes treatments can help lessen the effects of ADHD, but this condition cannot be completely cured. Types of treatments include medication and talk therapy. Read more
  • 5 Creative Ways to Reduce Anxiety
    Anxiety is a feeling that often affects the lives of many people. Although there are many tips and tricks to help anxiety, including small exercises or talking to a loved one or therapist, today we will be going over more creative ways to reduce anxiety. Since an increase of anxiety is often caused by our imaginations, we can use our imagination in a different way, and actually decrease these feelings of anxiety. Thus, we can bring a creative aspect into reducing our feelings of anxiety. Read more
  • Types of Counseling Services
    This week, we thought it would be a good time to remind our readers about the different types of counseling services we offer. Each service supports different needs, so it is imperative to learn what each service has to offer and choose which would best meet your personal needs. At Old City Counseling, we offer 2 different services: Individual Counseling and Group Counseling. We also have 3 more services coming soon: Psychiatric Services, Psychological Testing, and Hypnosis! Read more
  • 5 Reasons to Go To Counseling
    Counseling, like the work we do here at OCC, is meant to be an outlet for patients to help them improve their mental health. This can be seen in help with anxiety, depression, PTSD, ADHD, OCD, stress, grief and loss, phobias and so much more. Counselors are equipped with different methods to help you, as a patient, overcome the struggles that you are dealing with. Counseling offers a judgment-free, unbiased place for patients to come and talk about their feelings and struggles to someone that wants to help them and see them evolve. Read more
  • Impacts of Chronic Pain
    Chronic pain is pain that lasts for over 3 months — it can be there all the time, or it may come and go. Chronic pain can come in many different forms and appear in different areas of your body. Some common types of this pain include arthritis, back pain, neck pain, cancer pain, headaches (including migraines), muscle pain, and so on. Those who experience chronic pain describe their pain in different ways, including aching, burning, shooting, squeezing, stiffness, stinging, and throbbing. Read more
  • 5 Ways to Help Fight Depression
    Depression is a common and serious mental illness that adversely affects the way a person may feel, act and think (1). About 3.8% of the population experiences depression (2) and is more common in young women than young men. Depression affects a person's physical and mental health and it can be extremely hard to continue to feel “normal”. Depression can look different for everyone and change every day for a specific person. It is a very common illness that many people deal with, but subsequently do not know how to fight it. Read more