May - Mental Health Awareness Month

Since 1949, Mental Health Awareness Month has been celebrated in May every year to promote  the importance of mental health. During this month, we observe the ways we can come together to reduce the stigma associated with mental health, celebrate those who have recovered from mental illness, and remember those who lost their battle to mental illness. Mental health is something that affects us all, and humans. A lot of times we might overlook this aspect of our lives, but for others, mental health affects their everyday lives.

There are many ways in which you can show support for Mental Health Awareness Month, in which we dive into below, but one super simple way to show your support is to wear the color green! Green is the official color of Mental Health Awareness. Use this to show your support and advocate for yourself and those around you. If possible, try to get your office, your school, ect. to show up and “Wear it Green!”

Here are some ways you can join in in celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month this May:

  1. Reach out to your friends who might be having a hard time

    1. Check on your friends, you never know who might need you.

  2. Donate to a mental health charity

    1. There are many mental health charities to choose from. If you can, find a charity that resonates the most with you and donate to them.

  3. Do something nice for someone every day this month

    1. This can be as simple as holding a door for someone, helping your family around the house, or just sharing a smile.

  4. Learn about mental health

    1. A huge way to end the stigma is to recognize there is a stigma. Learn about mental health. Learn how you can help yourself and those around you.

  5. Advocate for those around you

    1. Help yourself and your loved ones by advocating for mental health. Show everyone around the world that they have a support system, too.

  6. Allow yourself to prioritize your mental health

    1. Don’t forget about yourself and your mental health. Take time to reset, put things into perspective, and do something that makes you happy.

We hope you all have a happy and healthy Mental Health Awareness Month and join in to #EndTheStigma!