Screen Time VS. Mental Health

Excessive screen time is not beneficial for us physically, mentally, or emotionally. Unplugging from technology is a powerful way to improve our well being and mental health. 

One powerful benefit from reducing your screen time is that you will have more present moment awareness. Incoming texts, calls, and notifications distract us from living in the present moment. It is common to feel the need to check and reply to messages as soon as they come in, but limiting this behavior can help you to feel uninterrupted, more mindful, and you’ll have more time to take in and focus on what is happening now. 

Another huge benefit to reducing screen time is improvement in your sleep. Being on your phone late at night actually has physiological effects from the blue light of the screen, which will impact the brain’s production of melatonin, delaying your sleep. You will begin to experience falling asleep faster, less disruption in your sleep, and feeling more rested the next day. 

Lastly, reduced social media/screen time will allow you to create more deepened connections with others. Social media promises social connection, but in reality, you are unable to recognize nonverbal cues of emotion and you may feel less connected to others. Many people may feel less connected to their partners when a cell phone is in their hand during the conversation. Without the presence of a cell phone, you can have more meaningful conversations, which require trust, undivided attention, and more vulnerability. 

Whether you would like to just try a temporary reduction in your screen time, or a long term change, you can improve your mental health greatly by unplugging from technology more often.